Sunday, December 16, 2012

Birthday Girl

Ada's 2nd birthday.

Happy Birthday Ada!

I love your little voice.
I love how you say Happy Birthday to everyone on your birthday.
I love how you grab my finger and lead me to whatever it is that you want.
I love how you give High Five's and Knuckles to everyone, even strangers.
I love your crazy, curly hair.
I love how you greet everyone with a Good Morning.
I love how stubborn you are about what you want to watch on  TV.
I love how you give kisses.
I love how you say I love you..."A wuv you."
I love your personality.
I love you.

Let the terrible two's begin!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Family Vacation

Sea World in San Antonio, TX
Benton and the alligators.
My high-adventurers.
Alex feeding the dolphins.
All the kids got to feed the dolphins.
Tori and the Shark Tank.
The family with Shamu.

Schlitterbahn was the next day. Alex didn't want to take off any of her wrist bands.

Adalyn's first vacation. She did pretty long as she got her naps.
Garrett was on the phone taking care of business every spare second he had.
We had a fun day at the Schlitterbahn.  
The weather was perfect and the crowds weren't bad at all.
Bath time at the hotel.
Ada's first time at the beach.
We got rained on the first day but the water was nice.
Tori is a little fish. She got so sunburned. With sun screen on she still blistered.
We had to get used to having sand EVERYWHERE. There is no controlling that with kids.
Snuggle time with Daddy.
Garrett and I had to take turns sitting on the sand with the little ones and catching waves with the big ones. I don't think we were ever in the same place at the same time.
Alex wandered up the and down the shore finding sea shells. She was in heaven.
Tori, before her horrific sunburn.

Garrett's spa treatment.
Alex and Tori stayed in the water boogie-boarding the entire time.
Our last day on the beach.
Benton heading out to catch a wave or two.
Ada had fun eating the sand...and sea weed.

Saturday, April 7, 2012


You are almost 18 months and you are climbing on EVERYTHING. I've never had a child to determined to get higher, than you! You've fallen off of tables, counter tops, desks, etc. and it hasn't kept you from climbing more. I can't keep my eyes off of you or you will find your  way up to a dangerous height. You are very curious and get into anything and everything. You also love throwing things in the toilet and tub.

Sunday, January 22, 2012


My daddy and me.

14 months old!

Loving to climb on stools and reach for things I shouldn't.

My 2nd Christmas!

Dirty picnic up the river.
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My First Birthday!

Princess for the day!

My very own birthday cake!

I liked the candle best!

Alex and Ada!

Tori and Adalyn.

Walking and talking. You are so grown up! Happy Birthday Baby!
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